Building physics consultants

In collaboration with Rothuizen architects and urban planners, we analyze existing installations, comfort complains and energy consumption of the Dutch Reformed Church (Nederlands Hervormde Kerk) in Kapelle. We advise how comfort complaints and gas consumption can be reduced.


Commissioner: College van Kerkrentmeesters Hervormde gemeente Kapelle
Architect: Rothuizen architecten stedenbouwkundigen
Consultant building physics: CDC

Commissioned by the foundation of "Oude Zeeuwse Kerken" (Old churches of Zeeland, the Netherlands), Climatic Design Consult has shown the alternatives to the existing radiator heating system. The most important characteristics and preconditions, including for the preservation of vulnerable cultural goods, were briefly analyzed.
church Kats
SOZK kerk baarland

SOZK Waterlandkerkje


interieur kerk parkstraatgemeente Arnhem
The liberal reformed parish in Arnhem owns the church at Parkstraat 31A in Arnhem:  "Parkstraat parish". This building, designed by the architects Broekhuizen and Feenstra, dating from the thirties of the last century, is a national listed monument. 

Maartje Kaper architect BNA designed adjustments, to intensify the use of the church. Climatic Design Consult advised the adjustments to the heating and ventilation installation to optimize  thermal comfort for the visitors, without any effects detrimental to the organ, but leading to an optimal energy conservation.

On the basis of the vision presentation for approach to the Haka building in Rotterdam, Wessel de Jonge was commissioned by Dudok project development from Dordrecht for further elaboration of the redevelopment.

hakagebouw rotterdam;
bron foto: uitvraag Dudok Groep

The vision of Wessel de Jonge architects was partly based on the installation-technical and building-physical concept that Climatic Design Consult introduced on the basis of a thorough analysis of the building history research by Susanne Fischer.

In the further elaboration, Peutz consultancy firm provides building physical advice and the technical installation design is worked out by Techniplan.

In November 2019 the Haka building won the prize for the 'Most Striking Rotterdam Real Estate Project 2019'.

Wessel de Jonge architectes designed the redevelopment of the former orphanage at the IJsbaanpad in Amsterdam into a multi-tenant office. CDC supported the design team with building physics and provided a building services concept for heating and cooling.

BWH gevelfragment
broederhuis voorgevel

The former “Broederhuis” at the Postjesweg in Amsterdam, has been converted into homes and catering. The building has had several functions in recent years. There are now 32 apartments in the U-shaped building: thirty starter studios and two spacious apartments. In the front block on the ground floor, is the catering located.

Broederhuis entree horeca

Commissioner: Archangel Bouw Amsterdam
Architect: Villanova Architecten, Rotterdam
CDC: building physics, acoustics and fire safety

NEM Energy is building a new head office. MVSA Architetc designed the modern building along the A4 at Zouterwoude.

20140424 104726 Blauwmutsenpad

CDC advised on sustainability and acoustics. All floors are equipped with contemporary flexible work forms in a mix of open-plan offices, meeting rooms and concentration areas. There are advanced videoconferencing rooms for international consultation.

cygnus gevel The Cygnus Gymnasium uses the special school building along the Wibautstraat. The design of J.B. Ingwersen is strongly inspired by the Unité d’Habitation of Le Corbusier. The building has been renovated according to the design by Wessel de Jonge architecten.

The work on the Sint Martenshof in Arnhem home is nearing completion. The scaffolding at the rear of the houses on Nijhoffstraat has been removed and the result on that side becomes visible.

sint martenshof

In case of conflicts between the parties, CDC is regularly asked by legal assistance providers to use its building physics and climate-technical knowledge for independent expertise or counter-expertise. Through our clear reporting and explanation, parties usually find each other quickly again. As a result, a process can be further closed or closed.

Miet AirBart Stok commissioned Nexit architects to design workshops, atelier houses for artists in residence, a green house atelier and a managers home at a former mini-camp in Beers.The morphology refers to typical open farm barns and a greenhouse. The studio rooms have an overgrown flat roof, the location is enriched by a (swimming) pond.

achterzijde van opzij Fundatie
The expansion of "De Fundatie" in Zwolle is a design by Bierman Henket architects: a futuristic egg, which with its reflective ceramic tiles goes up in the color of the sky, on a classicist building. Climatic Design Consult was the building physics consultant. CDC provided advise on control of the daylight - and solar loads, fire safety, humidity control in constructions and acoustics.

voorgevel nieuwe kerk zierikzeeThe historic New Chruch, "Nieuwe Kerk", in Zierikzee  is restored. A lot of wooden beams and rafters in the roof were detoriated. The Foundation for old churches in Zeeland (Stichting Oude Zeeuwse Kerken) asked Climatic Deisgn Consult to analyse in retrospective humidity conditions which caused the rotting. The Governmental Agency for Cultural Heritage (RCE) how to prevent fungus to grow and cause dry rot.

Sonnavillecommissioner: Unitt BV
Architect: Molenaar & Co achitecten

Three new residential blocks have been designed for the location in Hees. One block was realized in 2011. This block consists of luxury apartments with a parking garage. A lot of glass has been used in the building. Overheating in the summer is prevented by means of overhangs and sun protection. In this way, installations could remain simple and effective. CDC advised for the installation and building physiscs.


Paulus van Vliet developed the first plan for the redevelopment of the Heilig Hartkerk in Utrecht. Commissioned by Geelen Bouw (nowadays PLegt Vos), CDC gave building physics and acoustic advice on the plan of Rokus Visser for the installation of apartments in this former church. The transformation took place in 1999. The complex is now known as the Rosarium.

kerk VlaardingenWalraad architects commisioned CDC to design adaptation of the heating of Grote Kerk in Vlaardingen. The reduction of the temperature level of the floor heating system, with suppletion of radiant panels that are operated only in case of low temperatures,
- reduces energy consumption at
- an higher comfort level and
- stabilized humidity conditions.

Ons_Gebouw_5 Ons Gebouw is located on Havenstraat opposite the Oude Haven in Hilversum. Our Building has been renovated by Molenaar & Van Winden architects and opened in September with homes for clients of Sherpa in the project "geWoon op jezelf".


hm blokker a4 01 verkleindBlokker building Hoogstraat 196 in Rotterdam is a municipal (reconstruction) monument. Kraaijvanger-Urbis designed renovation and restoration of the façade. Commissioned by Blokker Holding, Climatic Design Consult advised on building physics, in particular moisture-technical, aspects in the detailing.

Architects office Ruud Visser designed together with Peter Boer a dwelling in a former Norwegian church at the river Rotte in Rotterdam. ArchitectuurNL published the result in #02/2011. Climatic Design Consult advised the conditioning concept and building physics.
foto: René de Wit

gevel aki
Marx & Steketee architects have been commissioned by ArtEZ to redesign the former textile factory Tetem II in Enschede as an art academy for various art forms (the AKI). Also see:

figuur blokskensCV de Zonnige Kempen has invited teams for a competition for the renovation of a monument for social housing "De Blokskens" in Zandhoven. The terms of reference asked also for nine new social dwellings.

Happel Cornelisse Architects was the winner and developed the plans up to execution .

figure: Happel Cornelisse Architects

luchtfoto klein 4

The Executive Board has decided to designate the temporary building for the Faculty of Architecture, BK City, as permanent housing. To further develop the building for a sustainable future, the faculty starts the BKCity SLIM project: development into a high-profile sustainable building with high architectural quality and attention to the monumental value.

luchtfoto klein 4

The Executive Board of the Technical University Delft has decided BK City to be maintained as permanent housing for the faculty of architecture and the built environment. For a sustainable future the faculty has initiated the project BK City SLIM; development of a sensational sustainable building with high standard architecture taking into account the monumental values of the existing building.

Veenhuizen PlichtbesefThe former prison hospital in Veenhuizen, the quarantaine building and official residences included, all of them national listed buidlings, are restored according to the design of architect ir. Jan van den Burg.

hufgebouw2Wessel de Jonge, architects BNA bv designed the revitalisation of the upper floors of the Huf building in Rotterdam that weren't used for 15 years. Provast was the commisioner.

maas1The clubhouse of the Royal Maas Yacht Club is situated at the border of the Maas in the centre of Rotterdam near Erasmusbridge, looking to the new business district Kop van Zuid. Architect Wessel de Jonge designed the restoration of the large room. The large room contains beautifull newly hand painted details.

TimmerfabriekThe carpentry factory of the largest shipyard of Vlissingen was fit for its function: excellent modelling quality of the daylight serves ihgh level carpentry work. BOEi ordered Climatic Design Consult to maintain these qualities in designing a conditioning concept and assessing building physics.

bron foto: ZeelandNet

sterrehof1Near Utrecht Central train station is a characteristic ensemble of old workers' houses. Project developer Geelen Projects renovated the houses and gave them a new layout. CDC advised on building physical aspects.

Lindenberg gevel entreeThe Steigertheater has been given a place in the Lindenberg in the rooms where the central library was housed. A foyer with restaurant has also been added.

BoymansThe original prints depot and restoration atelier was located in the basement under groundwater level. The risk of water damage had to be reduced by a new above-ground prints depot. Molenaar & Van Winden Walraad architects designed the shift of some functions within the existing museum.

hoofddorpweg1Ymere is renovating a block of flats on the Hoofddorpweg in Amsterdam: the house will be redesigned and provided with thermal insulation and sound insulation. Part of the house must be protected against noise from the busy Hoofddorpweg.

DADA gereed1The biomedical consultancy DADA, specialized in registration of medicines in Europe, was looking for new housing through growth. Architect Wim Kol has designed a new office for this purpose in the form of two mirrored circle segments.

gevel dagCommissioned by the municipality of The Hague, Rocha Tombal architects designed a new primary school at the Aletrino square.
CDC advised architect Michel Tombal on:
- energy performance;
- ventilation;
- daylight;
- fire safety.

The appartment buidlings Eemstein and Zonnestein in Zwijndrecht are renovated and extended with several new floors above the existing floors, up to a total height of 70 m: De Bakens. Nomination for the National Renovation Prize 2009. Design: Kokon architectd. Commisioner: Stam + De Koning.

windv2commisioner: Amstelland Vastgoed, Eindhoven
architects: Van Sambeek & Van Veen, 24 appartments
Hulshof & Compagnons, 26 appartments
Atelier Zeinstra, Van der Pol, 24 appartments
design wind screen: Hugo Vrijdag, Eindhoven
technical wind analyses: Climatic Design Consult


The new Vathorst housing estate is rising north of Amersfort. In the new district comes a building with clustered facilities such as:
  • elementary schools;
  • after-school care;
  • daycare;
  • gymroom;
  • school houses.

kantonThe governmental building agency developed a new cantonal court in Bergen op Zoom for the ministry for Justice. Key notions for the building were sustainability and modest architecture. Distribution of heat and cold via embedded water based surface heating and cooling. The heat pump operation is supported by heat and cold storage in the ground.

marnix1Mecanoo designed at the location of the former "Marnix" swimming pool a new sportscentr with new swimmingpool, sports hall, fitness accomodation and offices.

The Dutch embassy in Bangkok consists of a new chancellery and an existing residence. The starting point was that even in a tropical climate, comfort requirements that are customary in the Netherlands must be met.

IMG_1257The expansion for the Arts College in Arnhem, has been realized under the ground next to the recently renovated building by architect Rietveld. The view of the Rietveld building remains intact.

ceramiqBeside the standard building physics consultation Climatic Design Consult designed an unic system for natural ventilation for this building. The solar chimneys are able to provide natural extraction of ventilation air during a large fraction of the time.


Raadhuis, ZwijndrechtThe architects office Granpré Molière, Verhagen and Kok designed the Town Hall of Zwijndrecht, build in 1933. Engineer P. Verhagen was project designer. The municipality of Zwijndrecht ordered HVE-architecten, Den Haag, to design restoration and renovation for this Town Hall that is an important work of the original architect and therefore a listed building.

gm1commissioner and architect: Wessel de Jonge architecten, Rotterdam
building physics and installation: Climatic Design Consult

onRenovation of the main office of the former Oranje Nassaumine for re-use for NITG-TNO 1997. The building is a recent monument, designed by Roosenburg in 1932. The restoration architect has restored where possible the facades, the characteristics and the interior of the building.

wiebengaThis National Monument (from 1912) was designed by Wiebenga for the Ceramique factories. Rossi restored the building in the nineties. For this hall, usually known as the Wiebengahal, the municipality of Maastricht has commissioned the feasibility of redevelopment into an archaeological center.

catharijneconventFor the renovation of Museum Catharijne Convent in Utrecht, designed by Bierman Henket architects, Climatic Design Consult assessed solar loads, daylight use and control of lighting loads, acoustical and moisture aspects.

Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, RotterdamClimatic Design Consult is the building physics consultant and has designed the ventilation and conditioning concept for the transformation of the Van Nelle factory in Rotterdam.