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Adaptive re-use Van Nelle Factory, Rotterdam

Van Nelle Ontwerpfabriek, RotterdamClimatic Design Consult is the building physics consultant and has designed the ventilation and conditioning concept for the transformation of the Van Nelle factory in Rotterdam.


Wiebengahal, Maastricht

wiebengaThis National Monument (from 1912) was designed by Wiebenga for the Ceramique factories. Rossi restored the building in the nineties. For this hall, usually known as the Wiebengahal, the municipality of Maastricht has commissioned the feasibility of redevelopment into an archaeological center.

Groote Museum Artis, Amsterdam

gm1commissioner and architect: Wessel de Jonge architecten, Rotterdam
building physics and installation: Climatic Design Consult

Steigertheater in Cultureel Centrum Lindenberg Nijmegen

Lindenberg gevel entreeThe Steigertheater has been given a place in the Lindenberg in the rooms where the central library was housed. A foyer with restaurant has also been added.

Renovation homes Sterrehof, Utrecht

sterrehof1Near Utrecht Central train station is a characteristic ensemble of old workers' houses. Project developer Geelen Projects renovated the houses and gave them a new layout. CDC advised on building physical aspects.

Tetem II in Enschede for ArtEZ

gevel aki
Marx & Steketee architects have been commissioned by ArtEZ to redesign the former textile factory Tetem II in Enschede as an art academy for various art forms (the AKI). Also see:

Re-use "Ons Gebouw", Hilversum

Ons_Gebouw_5 Ons Gebouw is located on Havenstraat opposite the Oude Haven in Hilversum. Our Building has been renovated by Molenaar & Van Winden architects and opened in September with homes for clients of Sherpa in the project "geWoon op jezelf".


Three churches Zeeland; conditioning concept

Commissioned by the foundation of "Oude Zeeuwse Kerken" (Old churches of Zeeland, the Netherlands), Climatic Design Consult has shown the alternatives to the existing radiator heating system.

Restoration and adaptive re-use historic New Church Zierikzee

voorgevel nieuwe kerk zierikzeeThe historic New Chruch, "Nieuwe Kerk", in Zierikzee  is restored. A lot of wooden beams and rafters in the roof were detoriated. The Foundation for old churches in Zeeland (Stichting Oude Zeeuwse Kerken) asked Climatic Deisgn Consult to analyse in retrospective humidity conditions which caused the rotting. The Governmental Agency for Cultural Heritage (RCE) how to prevent fungus to grow and cause dry rot.